domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

Thing 16 Collaboration Tools

I do know Google docs and use it all the time as my school has adopted it as the regular way of communication between teachers and students.
At the beginning there was a bit of reluctance to use it but in a year everyone has familiarized with it and now is our best tool for work. Google drive allow us to classify our documents and have it available quickly. The only con is that at my country we are used to have frequent internet issues and even if these are solved then power goes off and we are left with nothing but our own creativity and resourceful skills.
Time ago I discovered Linoit which is an app that gives you a digital board to stick your notes and save them. I found it very useful and now I depend on it. I have it classified in year groups and write down the name of the books I´ve read to each school year. It´s useful because I can easily see what I have worked with each group and also read any suggestions I need to remember or recall for the next day I see them. Remainders and also links can be stuck on the board.
Recently I asked Year 7 students to open an account in Linoit and post information about Charles Dickens. They all contributed and the result is great as you can have a panoramic view of lots of Dickens facts of his life. There are also pictures and animation videos stuck to the board. 
I like the idea of Doodle and will give it some time to try it out. I have already recommended it to some people that I know struggle with setting up meetings with groups of people. In my school we use Google calendar.
Here is a picture of my board in Linoit.

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