jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Thing 5 Following Rudai23

I´m coming back to Thing 5 to write my reflection on Online Networks. I was doubting on opening a new entry after my last post or doing what I´m doing right now, that is editing an old post. I decided to choose this option with the hope to have some feedback on whether this is wrong or against some sort of protocol we should learn when dealing with online networks.
There must be a lot of things still to be learnt about how to better manage social media. Recently I attended a conference on how to write texts for the web and I got some pickings on SEO, rankings, Google keywords, hot maps... We didn´t got too deep in any of this topics but we were asked to keep researching about them in internet because there is a lot information available.
I feel I´m new in this field and need to keep learning more instead of just getting along with what I know now.
For the moment Twitter is my way to show what I liked from somebody else´s tweets and to have any important information available in my twitter account. I would like to be more creative and tweet my own original thoughts.
I´m using Facebook for social personal, friends and family activity and tend to use Twitter for more professional related things. Anyway, sometimes information just gets mixed up. I guess it is something that I will be gaining control some how with more practice and time. What really matters is that I´m getting to know lots of interesting people, organizations, associations, events and these enrich my own activity. Being connected is a sustancial part of being a professional in current times and collaboration is not only a nice word but a necessity.

viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

Thing 3 Linkedin

I had an account for Linkedin but I didn´t use it at all. From time to time I used to check on it and see if there was something to add or improve, but honestly... I didn´t  really care because I didn´t find the use of it.
So now thanks to this course it is different, I´ve engaged all the afternoon playing around and learning more to make it reflect my work and experience. I haven´t finish yet but I am in a good path.
I would like it to show my love for books, reading and the promotion of the joy of reading. That is very important but I also work with proofreading texts and translation so I will need to add my experience with this skill to promote myself and get some freelance jobs.
In order to keep on the track here is the link to follow.

domingo, 12 de julio de 2015